Discover Aldelia's Cameroonian office and the services we offer.

Aldelia Cameroon
Douala Bali, Face Hôtel Solidarité, 1er étage, BP 5905, Cameroun
Aldelia has been operating in Cameroon since 2022 and the country is home to a Regional Ofiice in Doula. Cameroon is a multilingual country at the junction of western and central Africa and has a population of over 27.9 million.
Cameroon is rich in natural resources, including oil and gas, mineral ores, high-value timber species, and agricultural products such as coffee, cotton, cocoa, maize, and cassava. It is a major cocoa producer.
French and English are the official languages, although over 250 languages are spoken.
Cameroon has good tourism potential due to its various natural assets and rich cultural heritage. The country's GDP growth is 3.5%, supported by natural gas production, agro-industry, service sector, and liquefied natural gas production, with an active population of 72%.
Our references